How to Use OverDrive
Anyone with a valid KFPL membership can access our OverDrive collection. Search for titles on the OverDrive website, on OverDrive’s Libby app or right in your eReader.
To check out an eBook eAudiobook or magazine sign in with your library card number and PIN.
OverDrive’s desktop app is now end-of-life
OverDrive discontinued their desktop app (for Windows and Mac computers) in February 2022.
This app is now reaching end-of-life and will stop working on November 13, 2024. OverDrive also ended support for MP3 files.
What this means:
- Starting November 13, the OverDrive desktop app will no longer work.
- Starting November 13, MP3 audiobook files will no longer be available.
This change only affects users still using the OverDrive desktop app. These changes will not affect:
- The Libby app.
- The OverDrive and Libby websites.
- Anyone who transfers eBooks onto eReaders (via their Kobo device or through Adobe Digital Editions).
Audiobooks are not going away! After this change, audiobooks can be listened to in the Libby app, or on the OverDrive website.
Looking to download audiobooks for offline listening? In the Libby app, you can download audiobook files so they can be played without an internet connection!
Notify Me
You can suggest eBook and eAudiobook purchases through OverDrive’s deep search feature, available on the Libby app using your mobile device or libbyapp.com.
Deep search lets you discover titles not yet in our library’s collection. There are two ways to access this function:
- Your search finds no titles in any of your saved libraries, or,
- Your search results contain fewer than 100 titles, and you manually turn on the deep search filter.
Libby will show results from your saved libraries and the wider OverDrive Marketplace catalogue. From there, you can borrow or place holds on titles from other saved libraries, or if the title is not in any of your libraries’ collections, you can select Notify Me.
Selecting Notify Me sets up a smart tag in Libby that alerts us that there’s a request and alerts you if one of your libraries purchases the title.
Find out more about how it works through Libby's help site.
Lucky Day
The Lucky Day collection has newer, very popular titles that are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Check this shelf frequently; you might see an available copy of an eBook or eAudiobook that you've been waiting for! The Lucky Day collection will not be visible using the Libby app when there are fewer than ten titles available.
How it works:
- You can’t place a hold on a Lucky Day title — if you see something you want in the Lucky Day collection, borrow it right away!
- To spread the luck around, you can only check out one Lucky Day title at a time. Once you return one, you can check out another.
- Read quickly! You will have a Lucky Day title for seven days, with no option to extend that time. When the week is up, the title is automatically returned.
Reciprocal Lending
Use your KFPL card number and PIN to explore the digital shelves at the Burlington, Hamilton, London, Mississauga and Ottawa Public Libraries.
On the OverDrive website
1. Log into kfpl.overdrive.com.
2. Find the Partner Libraries menu.
3. Choose one of the libraries on the list, then browse their collections. You will need to sign in with your KFPL card and PIN before you are able to borrow.
On the Libby app or libbyapp.com website
You will add each partner library separately by following these steps:
1. Tap the Menu icon.
2. Choose Add Library.
3. Search for one of our partnering Ontario libraries – Burlington Public Library, Hamilton Public Library, London Public Library, Mississauga Public Library and Ottawa Public Library.
4. Select the library that matches your search.
5. Choose Sign in with my card.
6. Under Partner Libraries, choose Kingston Frontenac Public Library.
7. Follow the prompts and enter your KFPL card number and PIN.
Every partner library has its own borrowing limits. You can borrow the maximum number of titles at KFPL, and then borrow more titles from our partners.
All of the items you have borrowed – no matter the library – will appear together on your Libby shelf.
You can also reserve eBooks and eAudiobooks through our partner libraries. Like loans, every library has its own limits on holds you can place. Keep in mind that each library’s members will have their reservations prioritized over visiting members. For example, if a KFPL Libby user places a hold on an eBook held by Ottawa Public Library, all reservations by Ottawa cardholders will be fulfilled before the KFPL user can access the item – even if they are newer reservations.
We recommend that you start with KFPL’s collection then visit our partners if there is something you can’t find.
Device Support
What devices does OverDrive support?
OverDrive supports many devices, including smartphones, tablets, computers, and eReaders. You'll find the full list of supported devices on OverDrive’s website. Visit the Libby help page to find the full list of devices on which you can use the Libby app.
Starting April 15, 2024, Libby and Kanopy will only support Android OS version 7.1.1 and above. If your device runs on an older version, you must update your operating system or switch to a supported device to keep using OverDrive services.
Does OverDrive support eReaders?
Yes, OverDrive does support many eReader products. Newer Kobo eReaders may be able to download books directly from Libby. For other devices, eBooks (epub, pdf) can be transferred to most eReaders using the Adobe Digital Edition application. Kindle eReaders are not supported in Canada.
Does OverDrive support mp3 players?
You can download and listen to digital audiobooks through the Libby app, either on your mobile device or on the web. Unfortunately, you will not be able to transfer audiobooks to a dedicated mp3 player.
OverDrive’s Libby app
Use OverDrive’s Libby app to access our collection on your mobile device. Borrow eBooks, eAudiobooks, and magazines to read on your phone or tablet. You can even go directly from Libby to the Kanopy app to enjoy film content.
You can also browse, search, read or listen and more on your computer.
Learn about Libby from the experts! This monthly online webinar will show you everything you need to know.
Accessible text sizes, adjustable lighting, open dyslexic font, and adjustable playback speeds are available in Libby. Resources are available to help you adjust your reading settings for eBooks and digital magazines and listening settings for digital audiobooks.
Flagging or Saving Books for Later
Use Libby’s smart tags to identify books you’ve already borrowed, get notifications, request a title, and more.
Sync Between Devices
Once you have set up Libby across multiple devices the app syncs between your devices and remembers where you left off.
Suggesting a Title
Still can’t find the title you are looking for? We will continually add to KFPL’s OverDrive collection of eBooks and Audiobooks.
For those using the Libby app to access OverDrive content, there is a smart tag feature to flag titles that are not in the KFPL collection. KFPL will be alerted to the titles users want, and users will be notified if those titles are added. Learn more about the Notify Me feature here.
Finding and Reading Magazines
Once you've signed into Libby, you'll be able to browse through the collection and search for a specific title.
Please check out the Libby Help page for troubleshooting tips and user guides.
We're here to help! You're always welcome to call or visit a branch or send us a comment or question.
How much data does the Libby app use?
In the Libby app, you can control how eBooks and audiobooks are downloaded and stored by updating the Download Rules in the app. These will allow you to control which connection can be used to download items (Cellular, Wi-Fi or both) and place limits on the size of files automatically downloaded to your device.
Depending on what device you have, you may be able to go into your device settings and turn off data for the Libby app. This will help prevent accidental data usage. You will still need an internet connection to browse, check out, and download content.
We have free Wi-Fi available at all our branches.
Loan Periods and Shelf Management
What are the loan periods in OverDrive?
You will have 14 days for both eBooks and digital audiobooks. Items will return on their own and will not accrue overdue fines.
How many items can I check out at one time?
You can have 10 loans and 10 holds at one time, and you can return items early.
Magazines do not count against your 10-loan limit and can be borrowed for up to 21 days. You can set up notifications to receive a message when the latest issue of your favourite magazine is ready to download.
Can I renew items?
If there are no other holds on the item, you'll be able to renew a title a few days before it is due.
Does OverDrive have automatic checkouts?
Whether you are using OverDrive or the Libby app, your reserved titles will not automatically download. You will have three days to go to OverDrive or the Libby app and retrieve the item or opt for Deliver Later if you aren’t quite ready to start reading. Learn more about how this works for OverDrive or for the Libby app.
Will I get an email when an item is ready for me?
If you have the email notification setting enabled, you will receive an email when an item is ready to download.
You can view and modify your email address and notification preferences on OverDrive or in the Libby app.
The Libby app offers either push notifications or email. You will need to turn off push notifications in your device settings to set up email notifications.
Frequently Asked Questions About the Change
Why did KFPL decide to move back to OverDrive from cloudLibrary?
You asked, and we heard you. Since leaving OverDrive we have received many requests from our patrons to move back.
OverDrive has significantly reduced its platform fees, making them a more affordable option. And the addition of magazines to their collection means that our patrons can use a single platform for eBooks, eAudiobooks and digital magazines.
How big is the magazine collection in OverDrive?
You’ll be able to read more than 3,000 magazine titles on OverDrive or right in the Libby app, compared to the 27 we were able to make available in Flipster.
Will I still have access to Hoopla and Kanopy?
Yes! You are still able to access your Hoopla and Kanopy accounts.
I used to have the OverDrive app; do I need to download the Libby app now?
OverDrive is discontinuing its original OverDrive app for mobile devices at the end of April 2023. People using the OverDrive website, or using OverDrive with their Kobos, will not be impacted by this transition.
Learn more about OverDrive’s transition to the Libby app here.
Libby is built by OverDrive, who also developed the classic OverDrive app. Libby features the same free digital content you may have enjoyed in the OverDrive app. However, Libby was designed to make finding, borrowing, and enjoying free digital titles easier when using a mobile device.