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indigenous portal

Indigenous Portal

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Programs, Events, Services and Recommendations

A portrait of Dr. Patty Douglas. Text reads Storytelling as Social Change. Dr. Patty Douglas' Inaugural Lecture.

Join Dr. Patty Douglas and Queen's University for a talk on inclusion and storytelling

How can we—educators, researchers and community members—tap the power of research and story to imagine and create a world that affirms, and even desires, disability and difference?

Storytelling as Social Change brings to life a new storytelling and disability studies approach to inclusion and belonging in education, countering long-standing educational inequities heightened through COVID-19. The talk moves its audience beyond a Western biomedical understanding of disability as deficit that needs be remedied. Instead, Dr. Douglas asserts disability and difference as fundamental, desirable, and needed for tangibly reimagining living, learning, and thriving together on planet earth.

Reminiscing Kits

Reminiscing Kits

Borrow a Reminiscing Kit with curated resources and a how-to resource guide to help you engage with loved ones experiencing dementia.

Isabel Turner Branch Renovations image

The Isabel Turner Branch will be temporarily closed starting Fall 2024 for renovations. During this time, we’ll be temporarily moving to the Cataraqui Centre.  Get updates here.

Illustration of a museum pass with the title "Royal Ontario Museum Passes Available Now"

Reserve a museum pass to the Royal Ontario Museum today

We’re thrilled to announce that we now have free museum passes to the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) available! Explore the wonders of nature, art and culture with complimentary entry to one of Toronto’s most iconic destinations. All you need is a library card to get your pass!

Eight passes will be available for patrons to borrow, with each pass permitting free admission during regular public hours to a maximum of four visitors. Children ages 14 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Each pass is available to borrow for a week. The pass is valid for general museum admission and special exhibitions (subject to capacity), it does not include entry to separately ticketed events.

Enhance your library access — register for Extended Hours at the Pittsburgh Branch.

Library Kiosk

Library Kiosk at kingston secondary school

Enjoy expanded service in the Kingscourt neighbourhood with the Library Kiosk at Kingston Secondary School.