Reading Challenges

Do you enjoy a challenge and love prizes? KFPL has you covered! You'll find classic favourites like the TD Summer Reading Club for children and new challenges linked to library programs, special themes or just for the love of reading! 

Reading challenges are available online through Beanstack—learn more about it here. You can use the desktop version or download the mobile app.

Black Histories and Futures Month Reading Challenge 

An illustration with a black background. There are red, yellow and green stripes emerging from the top corner with three books displayed. Text reads Black Histories and Futures Month Reading Challenge.

February is Black Histories and Futures Month, a time to honour the accomplishments of Black communities in Canada, reflect on their stories and deepen our understanding of their history and contributions to Canadian society.

For all ages:

Read a selection of books by Black authors for a chance to win local gift cards to Novel Idea and Sally’s Roti Shop. Participants must log a minimum of one book to be entered into the prize giveaway.

How to participate

Use our simple logging tool, Beanstack, to track your reading and earn badges along the way. 


Banned Books Reading Challenge


Freedom to Read Week is an annual event that invites Canadians to reflect on and reaffirm their commitment to intellectual freedom. As part of this celebration, the Banned Books Reading Challenge encourages participants to engage with challenged or banned books. The challenge runs from February 1 to February 28, allowing you to read, learn, earn badges and enter giveaways while supporting the freedom to read.

For ages 5 and up:

Track your reading time and earn badges as you go! Read for a total of 60 minutes to unlock all the badges and be entered into the prize giveaway.

Check out this list for frequently challenged children's titles.

For ages 13 and up:

Read at least one book from a curated list to be entered into a prize giveaway.

How to participate

Use our simple logging tool, Beanstack, to track your reading and earn badges.


1,000 Books Before Kindergarten 

Image features the KFPL logo, and an adult sitting on a couch with two kids. The text reads: "1000 Books Before Kindergarten. Read it and Reap!"

Helping your child to be a successful reader just got more fun thanks to the generous support of The Friends of the Library. 1000 Books Before Kindergarten (1BBK) is a free literacy program for newborns, babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. The goal? Read 1000 books with your little one before they start Kindergarten.

Take KFPL's 1000 Books pledge—and we'll be your cheerleaders. 1BBK can help your little one develop a love of reading, provides you with opportunities to bond, and helps your child develop the early literacy skills they need for success later in life.

1000 Books Before Kindergarten Impact

Your child's learning starts at birth. Did you know:

  • By age three, a child's brain has reached 80 percent of its adult volume.
  • The brain develops most rapidly during the first 1000 days of a child's life.
  • A toddler's brain creates up to two million new connections every second.
  • Early experiences and interactions are key factors in a child's brain development. According to the Canadian Pediatric Society, "early exposure to language—whether through books, words, or songs—can help prevent problems and promote health." (Canadian Paediatric Society, 2016)
  • A child's ability to learn language skills is most significant before age six.
  • Early literacy skills have a lifelong impact on educational, social and occupational successes.
  • Being read to during early childhood is a predictor of school readiness and success.

Does reading 1000 books before your child reaches Kindergarten sound intimidating? You can reach this milestone by establishing a daily reading habit. You can read one book or multiple books each day—it's up to you.

  • Three books a day for one year = 1,095 books
  • One book a day for three years = 1,095 books

How to participate

Use our simple logging tool, Beanstack, to track your reading and earn badges along the way. 

If you prefer to track your progress using a physical chart, stop by any KFPL branch or use the stay-at-home version you can print and colour yourself. 

We recommend displaying your tracker somewhere in your home that is highly visible! Remember, you can repeat books as many times as you want, and virtual storytimes and audiobooks count, too. You can pick up your free book bag when you're halfway done (500 books)! Once you've finished all 1000 books, you will receive a certificate and prize! 

Ready? Set? Start reading!