Programming Policy
1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to provide staff with the necessary guidelines to assist them in the development of Library programs and to inform the public about the principles and criteria by which programs are selected.
2. Scope
Not applicable.
3. Definitions
Not applicable.
4. Guiding Principles
Library Programming Statement
Programming is an integral part of the Kingston Frontenac Public Library’s service to the public, and supports the Library’s Ends Statements as well as its mission, vision and strategic plan.
The Library is committed to providing inclusive and accessible programming that meets the needs of our community. Our programs will be offered without charge to attendees in all but exceptional circumstances.
The Library upholds the principle of intellectual freedom and supports the rights of individuals to read, speak, view and exchange differing points of view on any subject. To accomplish this, the Library may present controversial programs in order to ensure public access to all sides of an issue.
5. Policy
Selection Criteria
Events and ‘programs’ offered by the Kingston Frontenac Public Library will:
- Be responsive to current interests and needs of the community. Programs may be tailored to meet the specific needs of the communities served by our branches.
- Be consistent with the Library’s strategic directions / service priorities.
The following additional criteria are considered, although a proposed event or program need not meet all criteria to be acceptable:
- Creates and promotes community partnerships;
- Encourages literacy, the enjoyment of reading, and lifelong learning;
- Highlights materials and services available at the Library, and assists patrons in their effective use;
- Offers training and assistance with new technologies used to offer library services;
- Promotes an awareness of contemporary issues and information required to engage in society;
- Celebrates local history;
- Promotes cultural awareness;
- Attracts a new / unique audience to the Library.
Delivery of Events and Programs
Content may be developed and presented by staff or by experts outside the organization including:
- Authors and illustrators, by whom book sales are permitted;
- Performers, by whom sales of recordings is permitted;
- Agencies, professionals and community members with expertise relating to the programming topic. These presenters may share their business/professional affiliation, but may not sell or promote their products or paid services.
The Library may set age guidelines or limit program attendance to ensure safe use of space, suitability of content and optimal group size for instruction.
Participation will be based on a first come, first served basis, with the following provisos:
- Library staff may use tools to limit and track attendance, including online registration, tickets, and a sign-in process.
- Programs which have limited attendance are available to KFPL members only; to participate, residents may apply for a free library card online and those living out of KFPL’s service area may purchase a subscription membership. The Library is unable to accommodate childcare or school groups of more than 5 people at children’s programs that have limited attendance.
The Library reserves the right to cancel programs as deemed necessary, and will make every effort to notify the public.
Program Evaluation
All programs are designed with measurable outcomes and are evaluated.
To determine community needs and interests, the Library reviews suggestions for events and programs and uses various mechanisms to gather community input to assist in setting programming priorities and plans.
The Library will make available a process for user feedback and expressions of opinions / concerns about programs.
Suggestions for Programming
The Library will make a process for community submissions available. Suggestions will be considered by the Manager, Programming and Outreach in light of the programming criteria and library resources.
6. Appendices
Not applicable.
7. Authorities
Not applicable.
8. Document Control
Original Policy Date: 2013 March
Last Reviewed: 2021 October
Changes made: see report to Board dated September 28, 2021
Next Review: 2025 October