Internet Policy
KFPL Statement of Policy
Internet Access (Public) Policy
1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to establish the rules of conduct and responsibilities associated with public Internet access at the Library.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all public Internet access provided by the Library, both wired and wireless (Wi-Fi).
3. Guiding Principles
The Library is committed to providing public Internet access that:
- Is consistent with the Library’s mission and values and upholds the principles of intellectual freedom.
- Meets the needs of our communities, and ensures equitable access to information, enrichment, and social connection.
- Abides by the requirements of applicable legislation and Library policies to support a welcoming, safe, and harassment-free environment for Library users and staff.
4. Policy
4.1. General
- Public Internet access is available at all Library branches and can be accessed free of charge on public computer stations, or by connecting wirelessly using a personal device.
- The specific equipment, software, and functionality may vary from branch to branch, and availability is not guaranteed.
- In accordance with the principles of intellectual freedom, the Library does not filter Internet content.
- To ensure equitable access to Internet resources, the Library reserves the right to impose user bandwidth restrictions without notice and/or implement daily time limits.
- Violations of this Policy and/or the Library Code of Conduct may result in suspension of library privileges, exclusion from the Library and/or criminal prosecution.
4.2. Legal Compliance
- In accessing the Internet, users are subject to federal, provincial, and municipal legislation related to Internet use, including the provisions of the Criminal Code.
- Users must comply with copyright laws, privacy laws, licensing agreements, and other intellectual property rights. The Library is not responsible for infringements of these laws.
- Police will be notified immediately of any suspected illegal activity.
- Information related to an individual’s use of the Library’s public Internet will be disclosed to law enforcement as required to support investigations and legal proceedings.
4.3. Public Space
- Public computer stations and Wi-Fi access points at the Library are located in a public environment shared by individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and sensibilities.
- Anyone concerned about content being accessed at the Library is encouraged to speak with Library staff. In investigating and addressing concerns, Library staff will be guided by the Library Code of Conduct and the guiding principles articulated in Section 3 above.
- Users are expected to respect the privacy of others using public computer stations.
- When accessing sites with sound or when playing sound files, headphones are to be used.
4.4. Information Quality
- The Library is only responsible for the information provided on its own website(s), and is not responsible for the content, accuracy, or availability of content via external links.
- Library staff are available to assist users in finding and evaluating website content.
- The responsibility for the choice and use of Internet resources rests with the individual.
4.5. Choice of Access for Children
- As with other Library resources and materials, it is the responsibility of parents or guardians to monitor and guide their children’s Internet activity.
- To support this right of choice, the default setting for Junior memberships (13 years of age or younger) does not allow access to Library computer stations with Internet access. At the parent or guardian’s discretion, consent may be given by providing a signed permission form to allow Internet access for their child.
- Children who attend the Library with their own device, regardless of age, will be able to connect to the Library’s wireless network.
4.6. Privacy and Security
- Users are responsible for the security of their personal information/devices while accessing the Library’s public Internet.
- The Library is not responsible for damages, direct or indirect, arising from use of its public Internet.
- Users are reminded to lock their computer session if stepping away, and to log-out of any device when finished to prevent unauthorized access by others.
- The Library's wireless access points are unsecured connections to the Internet and third parties may be able to obtain information about users' activities, including data transmitted or received, during use.
- Users are responsible for protecting their personal devices from viruses, spyware, and spam.
- Personal devices (e.g., laptops, tablets, portable gaming devices) must not be physically connected to the Library’s network.
- To protect its network and users, the Library reserves the right to terminate a connection at any time or to withdraw wireless access entirely.
4.7. Staff Assistance
- Staff can provide basic instruction on how to connect to the Internet but are not able to provide in-depth technical assistance.
- Sensitive information, such as passwords and banking/credit card information, should not be shared with staff or other individuals who may be assisting the user.
5. Document Control
Original policy date: October 2003
Last Reviewed: May 2024
Changes made: see report to Board dated May 22, 2024
Next Review: 2028