Use of Library Resources - Elections

1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the Kingston Frontenac Public Library complies with legislation related to elections at all levels – municipal, provincial and federal.

2. Scope

This policy addresses the use of Library resources during campaign periods for municipal, provincial and federal elections.

3. Guiding Principles

The Library must act and appear to act in a non-partisan way at all times, especially during elections, while supporting the democratic process, freedom of expression and informed discussion on political issues. The Library must ensure that no candidate, registered third-party advertiser or political party is provided with an unfair advantage in the use of Library resources at any time.

4. Policy

4.1. Use of Library Resources and Property

All candidates and political parties have equal access to publicly available resources and services of the Library.

4.1.1. Permitted Uses

1. Meeting rooms may be rented in accordance with the Library’s Room and Event Space Rental Policy.

2. Candidates and political parties are permitted to distribute campaign materials on public rights-of-way at the Library, unless prohibited by municipal by-law.

3. In accordance with the Canada Elections Act section 81.1(1) federal election candidates or their representatives are allowed to campaign in facilities that are available for free to the public. During municipal and provincial elections candidates will be granted the same right to campaign in the Library.

4.1.2. Prohibited Uses

1. Candidates cannot use equipment, supplies, staff, or other operational resources of the Library, nor may they use the Library’s logo in any campaign material.

2. Photographs produced for and owned by the Library shall not be used by Candidates or Third Party Advertisers for any election purposes. No election sign or poster specific to a candidate or political party can be posted on Library property.

3. No advertising paid for by the Library shall contain the name of a Candidate unless consistent with their duties as Library representative.

4.2. Campaign Contributions

4.2.1. Municipal Elections

The Board may not contribute to the campaign of any candidate or political party in the form of money, goods or services. This is in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, Section 88.8.

4.2.2. Provincial Elections

The Board may not contribute to the campaign of any candidate of a provincial election, constituency association, nomination contestant, candidates, and leadership contestant of provincial political parties in the form of money, goods or services in accordance with the Ontario Elections Finances Act, Section 16(1).

4.2.3. Federal Elections

The Board may not contribute to the campaign of any candidate of a federal election, a registered party, a registered association, nomination contestant, and leadership contestant of federal political parties in the form of money, goods or services in accordance with the Canada Elections Act, Section 363(1).

4.3. Requests for Information about the Library

The Chief Librarian or their designate will coordinate requests for information about the Library received from candidates or political parties.

• Information that is provided by the Library to one candidate or political party will be provided to all other candidates and political parties upon request during an election.

• Any candidate or political party may request a meeting with the Chief Librarian or tour of the Library.

5. Related Documents

Municipal Elections Act

Elections Finances Act

Canada Elections Act

KFPL Board Constitution

Room and Event Space Rental Policy

Standards of Conduct for KFPL Employees

Volunteer Policy

6. Document Control

Original Policy Date:                2022 April 

Last Reviewed:

Changes made:

Next Review:                           2026 March