Something mysterious this way comes...

Building a Mystery with Live History

Join Live History on November 7 to build a mystery to stump friends and family, or learn how to become a sleuth during your favourite mystery programs!

Participants who are fans of mystery novels, shows and theatre will learn how to build a mystery while learning about their local history in a way they have never seen it before.

Mysteries include lessons in math, patterns, language and visual arts. This mystery-building workshop is hands-on, interactive, and wildly fun!

For ages 8 and up with an adult caregiver. Adult caregivers must attend with children who are ages 8 to 13. Teens may attend without a caregiver.

Date: Saturday, November 7

Times: 1:30-2:30 PM and 3:00-4:00 PM

Register to receive a Zoom meeting invitation to one of these sessions!