We love turtles! Did you know there are eight species of turtles in Ontario and all eight are species at risk? There are wetlands and other places in and around Kingston that are perfect turtle habitats, which is why Turtles Kingston works hard to keep turtles safe.
Read these books to understand more about our turtle friends!
Turtles by Darla Duhaime
What makes a turtle a reptile? In this title, early readers learn the characteristics of reptiles. Included are colour photographs and a picture glossary. Also available as an eBook on hoopla.
Ages 4-6.
Turtle Pond by James Gladstone
A delightful tribute to turtles and turtle-watching, from a young child's perspective. A child and his parents visit their local public garden throughout the year, observing the turtles as they play, dive, feed, bask, climb, hide and doze. Also available as an eBook on hoopla.
Ages 4-7.
Turtles by Julie Murray (eBook)
This book introduces readers to the unique features of turtles. Basic information is covered, such as habitat, life cycle, range, diet, and threats.
Ages 4-8.
Turtles by Grace Hansen (eBook)
Young readers will gather basic information about turtles through easy-to-read, simple text alongside colorful full-bleed photographs.
Ages 5-7.
Turtles by Emily K. Green (eAudiobook)
Did you know that some turtles live to be over 100 years old? Some live in the ocean, others on land, and some live both in water and on land! Young readers will discover what turtles eat, where they live, and how their shells and other physical features help them survive in the wild.
Ages 5-8.
Saving Turtles: A Kids' Guide To Helping Endangered Creatures by Sue Carstairs
Sue Carstairs, a veterinarian at a turtle rescue and rehabilitation centre, shares how she repairs shattered shells, broken jaws, and injured skulls, nursing severely injured turtles back to health for release into the wild. Carstairs also explains how turtle eggs are harvested from injured mothers, incubated, raised in tanks and released into the wild. Also available as an eBook on hoopla.
Ages 9-12.