Lori is spotlighting spring blooms in this week’s spotlight! To blossom your knowledge further, head over to our YouTube channel for even more delightful recommendations.
A Season Of Flowers by Michael Garland
Like actors crossing a stage, flowers narrate the passing seasons in the first person, each one briefly proclaiming its unique and vital role in the natural world. Ages 0-2.
Flowers by Victoria Munson
Spring has sprung, and the flowers are blooming. What are all the different kinds of plants blossoming in the garden? Ages 5-8.
What's Inside A Flower? And Other Questions About Science & Nature by Rachel Ignotofsky
Budding backyard scientists can start exploring their world with this stunning introduction to these flowery show-stoppers, from seeds to roots to blooms. Learning how flowers grow gives kids beautiful building blocks of science and inquiry. Ages 3-7.