Read 2022 Trillium Book Award finalists

Books with text reading Trillium Book Award 2022 finalists

This year marks the 35th anniversary of recognizing excellence and fostering diversity of Ontario’s writers and writing. The depth of creativity and excellence span from international love stories to gripping poetry, capturing the minds of booklovers across Canada and around the globe. Enjoy these selections from the shortlist and watch for the winner in June!

Missed Connections: A Memoir In Letters Never Sent by Brian Francis

Missed Connections: A Memoir In Letters Never Sent by Brian Francis

In an age when the promise of love is just a tap or swipe away, this extraordinarily moving memoir reminds us that our yearning for connection and self-acceptance is timeless.

Æther: An Out-Of-Body Lyric by Catherine Graham

Æther: An Out-Of-Body Lyric by Catherine Graham

A luminous homage to family, to cancer and to the strange windings of truth.

The Hunter And The Old Woman by Pamela Korgemagi

The Hunter And The Old Woman by Pamela Korgemagi

The intertwined story of a cougar and a man that portrays the strength, vulnerability, and consciousness of two top predators. Not since Life of Pi have we encountered such transcendence or walked so fully in the footsteps of a big cat.

The Last Exiles by Ann Shin

The Last Exiles by Ann Shin

A rare glimpse at life inside the guarded walls of North Korea and the harrowing experiences of those who are daring enough to attempt escape.

The Untranslatable I by Roxanna Bennett

The Untranslatable I by Roxanna Bennett

Bennett explores pain through poetry, documenting the struggles of illness and isolation.

Letters in a Bruised Cosmos by Liz Howard

Letters in a Bruised Cosmos by Liz Howard

Who do we become after the worst has happened? Howard explores the danger and necessity of living with each other.

Intruder by Bardia Sinaee

Intruder by Bardia Sinaee

The poems in Intruder grapple with, and even embrace, the daily undertaking of living in a world beset by precarity, illness, and human sprawl.

Le Malaimant de Michèle Vinet

Le Malaimant de Michèle Vinet

Aurel est tourmenté par le passé, l'amour et la page blanche. Viennent à son secours des personnages fabuleux, avec leurs potions et leurs talismans. Un périlleux voyage s'amorce au cœur du désarroi d'un homme, qui mènera à des sentiers accidentés. Livre électronique de hoopla.

Exosquelette de Chloâe LaDuchesse

Exosquelette de Chloâe LaDuchesse

Exosquelette: appareil fixâe sur le corps pour lui redonner sa mobilitâe. La poâesie est l’exosquelette de Chloâe LaDuchesse.