This collection celebrates National Poetry Month with a diverse selection of poets who capture the power of words to inspire, provoke, and move us. Explore the art of expression!
Scars and Stars by Jesse Thistle
Jesse Thistle charts his history, the stories of people from his past, the burning intensity of new and unexpected love, the complex legacies of family and community, and the beauty of parenthood.
The Beauty of Being Elsewhere edited by John B. Lee
This 300-page book will take you and your imagination worldwide in the comfort of your armchair. It includes three essays by world-class academic scholars, Professor Basudara Roy from India, Professor Shireen Huq from Bangladesh and Professor Miguel Ángel Olivé Iglesias from Cuba.
Kitotam by John McDonald
Written in two parts, these poems chronicle John's life and experiences as an urban Indigenous youth during the 1980s. The book's second half looks into the inspirations and events that shaped John's career as an internationally known spoken word artist, beat poet, monologist and performance artist.
Sainte Chloe de l'amour par Chloe Savoie-Bernard
L'autrice poursuit son exploration poétique du désir, de l'identité, du rapport à l'autre dans un recueil d'une impudeur ardente, et élégante. Dans des vers incarnés qui mettent la lecture sous tension, la réaction – genrée, raciste, sociale – continue de brutaliser l'intellect. Et cette fois, le désir d'élévation et la figure du féminin transcendé, pour le meilleur et pour le pire, entrent en scène.
Africanthology: Perspectives of Black Canadian Poets edited by A. Gregory Frankson
Africanthology: Perspectives of Black Canadian Poets brings together some of Canada's most influential poetic voices and gives them space to speak freely about their journeys in piercing verse and unapologetic prose.
The Outer Wards by Sadiqa De Meijer
Check out this title by Kingston's Poet Laureate! In The Outer Wards, Sadiqa de Meijer explores questions of maternal love and duty and the powerlessness that comes with the disruption of that role through illness.
Hard Work Cheering Up Sad Machines by Jason Heroux
Read another work by one of Kingston Frontenac's poetic giants! Working in free verse, Heroux's image-rich verse explores loss, death, and angst — but with wit, empathetic gentleness and magic.
Premier quart : poésie par Véronique Sylvaine
Dans Premier quart, la poétesse revisite le Nord, lieu de sa naissance, à travers le voyage et les souvenirs. Au long de son parcours, elle tentera de comprendre les drames et réalités à l’oeuvre dans le rude climat nordique. Elle sera ainsi ramenée à ses propres combats, à la solitude, à la tristesse, à l’angoisse et à l’hiver qui invite à l’introspection.
The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
Translated in this edition by Allen Mandelbaum, The Divine Comedy begins in a shadowed forest on Good Friday in the year 1300. It proceeds on a journey that, in its intense recreation of the depths and the heights of human experience, has become the key with which Western civilization has sought to unlock the mystery of its own identity.