Descendant by Lesley Livingston.

Reviewed by Rebecca

out of 5 stars

Descendant by Lesley Livingston.

Descendant is the second book in the Starling series by Lesley Livingston.

Descendant continues Mason’s journey into Asgard, the realm of Norse legend.  While there, Mason meets her mother. Her mother tells her that in order to go back home Mason must find Odin’s Spear.  Meanwhile, Fenn is determined to bring back Mason, even if it means going back into Asgard.  Fenn knows it’s a race against time; he has to get to Mason before she finds the spear.  If she takes up the spear she will cause a terrible prophecy to come true, which could lead to the destruction of her world.

Descendant has characters and a plot equally as exciting as the first book, however after a while it felt as though the events were dragging on a bit, when they could have occurred much more quickly.  However, I still found the overall plot to be interesting; it was just easier to put this book down compared to other books I’ve read.

This book does finish on a cliff hanger, though, so I would recommend having the third book nearby.