Fablehaven by Brandon Mull

Reviewed by Ashton

out of 5 stars

Fablehaven by Brandon Mull

Kendra and Seth believe they are in for a rough 17 days living with their secluded grandparents on their father's side. But they have no idea how rough it will get once they find out there is more to their grandparents' land than what appears at first. The property is actually a sanctuary for magical creatures. Kendra and Seth come into conflict with fairies, witches, trolls, and even demons as they try to protect not only their family, but the land they have grown to love.

Fablehaven is a great book for casual reading, as it is not overly difficult and has a lot of exciting aspects. The characters feel real, and the protagonists Kendra and Seth grow like normal people would in these abnormal circumstances. The major problem with the book is that it has a very juvenile sense of wonder for a good part of it, but that is at least reasonable, as we experience the events of the book through two young siblings. The book is enjoyable for anyone, but I would recommend it for younger teens. This book series feels like a good gateway to other popular fantasy fiction books, like Harry Potter or Narnia.