Reviewed by Kira
In the dystopian world of 2044, humanity has one escape from miserable reality: a virtual universe called the OASIS. After the death of James Halliday, creator of the OASIS and multibillionaire, Halliday leaves his fortune to whoever solves a chain of puzzles leading to an Easter Egg. Soon there are billions searching for the Egg, clans of dedicated egg hunters, and an evil corporation intent on controlling the OASIS, all competing to solve the biggest treasure hunt the world has ever seen.
Ready Player One’s roller-coaster plot is brimming with action, adventure, and mystery, so even readers new to sci-fi will be enthralled. This is a must-read for anyone who loves video games, and even readers who don’t will be able to understand the OASIS.
If you liked this book and want more like it, read Ernest Cline’s other novel, Armanda.