Reviewed by Ishan
The story begins with a young protagonist named Jason Grace, who is a Roman demigod who is having issues remembering his past. He finds himself at a camp for demigods along with his girlfriend Piper (daughter of Aphrodite) and his best friend Lea (the son of Hephaestus). Through their life at camp, they come across personal issues in which they are all trying to find themselves. However, they are tasked with saving one very important Greek god from danger. Can they do it?
Rick Riordan is the author of the thrilling Percy Jackson series. With his great success combining Greek mythology and modern-day adventure he tries his hand at adding Roman mythology into the mix. The Lost Hero is a sequel to the Percy Jackson series and does an excellent job of keeping the reader on the edge of their seat. I must warn the reader that the novel often switches between the names given to gods by the Romans and those given by the Greeks so unless you are familiar with the original names of the Greek gods (if you read the Percy Jackson series very easy to remember) it might be hard to get used to at first.
The reason I only give it a 3.5 is the lack of uniqueness in the characters (in comparison to Percy Jackson) as they both seem to follow the same character rules. Furthermore, the characters of Piper and Leo are quite transparent, thus I don’t believe Rick Riordan told the audience enough about the character in order for the reader to properly connect with them. Consequently, if you are looking for a novel that is entertaining but you don’t want to think about too much, this is perfect, making it great for preteens.