Reviewed by Leila
Jujutsu Kaisen is a manga created and illustrated by Gege Akutami. The protagonist, Yuji Itadori, is a member of his school’s occult club. After a chance encounter with a cursed object gone awry, he finds himself quickly thrown into a world of sorcerers and monstrous beings called “curses.” Due to the consequences of this encounter, Yuji Itadori is enrolled at Jujutsu Tech where he has to quickly learn how to handle this new threat and newfound power.
This volume starts off the series strong with a very recognizable art style. However, this volume introduces a lot of important characters very quickly, so it can be difficult to remember all their names. The story was fast-paced, with a lot of action sequences. The main character felt like a Mary Sue at the beginning, but his character improves as the volume progresses. People who enjoy this series would also likely appreciate Demon Slayer or Attack on Titan, as they are both action-driven shōnen series with supernatural elements.
All in all, the volume started off the series strong with an interesting premise and distinct art style.
I rate it 3/5 stars.