Deenie by Judy Blume [audiobook or e-book via Overdrive]

Reviewed by Sarah

out of 5 stars

Deenie by Judy Blume [audiobook or e-book via Overdrive]

Wilmadeene, or Deenie as everyone calls her, had never worried about how she looked. She was naturally beautiful and her parents wanted her to be a model. When she tries out for the cheer team, the coach notices a problem with her posture. Her mother was always trying to fix it by making her carry books on her head but nothing worked. It turns out Deenie has scoliosis. She doesn’t know what that means and when she sees the brace for the first time she wants to scream. How will she face the hard times ahead?

Judy Blume’s Deenie is another amazingly written book about growing up. It follows not just her struggles of growing up but how growing up being different can be hard. It’s an amazing coming of age book and perfect for younger girls worried about fitting in if they’re a little different.