Reviewed by Chris
"Operation Finale" is a historical drama directed by Chris Weitz, based on the true story of the capture of one of the architects of the Holocaust, Adolf Eichmann. Set in 1960, the film follows a covert Israeli mission led by Peter Malkin, performed by Oscar Isaac, to apprehend Eichmann, played by Ben Kingsley, who is hiding in Argentina under a false identity. The narrative delves into the moral and ethical dilemmas faced by the Israeli team as they deal with the intergenerational trauma of the Holocaust and seeking justice for the countless lives lost. The film explores the psychological tension between captor and captive, shedding light on the complexities of bringing war criminals to trial.
The film is a very compelling narrative which explores historical events, boasting strong performances from its cast. Oscar Isaac brings depth to his role as Peter Malkin, capturing the emotional trauma of a man haunted by the history of the Holocaust. Ben Kingsley delivers a chilling portrayal of Eichmann, conveying a sense of racial hatred and a sense of evil with a nuanced performance. The film successfully navigates the moral complexities surrounding the capture and trial of a high-ranking Nazi officer, prompting viewers to reflect on justice and the still-lingering scars of history. The cinematography and period details contribute to the film's immersive atmosphere, transporting the audience to a critical moment in post-World War II history. There are some elements in the film which are done in order to further dramatize the story, but most information, which I was able to find, says the film stays mostly true to the story.
"Operation Finale" is a well-crafted historical drama that would mainly appeal to those interested in the history of the Second World War and its aftermath. The film skillfully combines elements of suspense and moral introspection, making it a compelling watch. I believe that young adults or more mature teenagers would appreciate the film more. If you appreciate historical dramas that delve into ethical quandaries and human resilience, "Operation Finale" is worth adding to your watchlist.