Reviewed by Chris
"Pretty Woman" is a classic romantic comedy directed and written by Garry Marshall. The film revolves around an unlikely, yet charming, love story between Edward Lewis, a wealthy businessman played by Richard Gere, and Vivian Ward, a vivacious and street-smart prostitute performed by Julia Roberts. The narrative unfolds as Edward hires Vivian to accompany him for social events and engagements. As the two navigate the stark contrasts of their worlds, a genuine connection begins to form, challenging preconceived notions of love and societal expectations. Set against the backdrop of Los Angeles, the film uses themes of transformation, acceptance, and the power of genuine connection.
This film is a timeless romantic comedy that became a cultural phenomenon. The film's success lies in the charm between Vivian and Edward. Julia Roberts delivers a great performance as Vivian, infusing the character with a blend of vulnerability, wit, and charisma. Richard Gere's portrayal of the sophisticated yet emotionally guarded Edward complements Roberts' energy. Garry Marshall's direction strikes a perfect balance between humor, romance, and poignant moments. The film expertly navigates the dynamics of wealth disparity, societal judgments, and the transformative power of love. The writing in the film is very well executed in displaying the complexities of both characters’ backgrounds and their styles of living. The iconic scenes, memorable quotes, and a soundtrack that captures the essence of the '90s contribute to the film's enduring appeal.
"Pretty Woman" is, in my opinion, a must-watch for fans of romantic comedies and those seeking to watch one of cinema’s classics. Its charm lies not only in the fairy-tale romance but also in its exploration of deeper themes beneath the surface. The film's positive message about the possibility of change and the transformative nature of love continues to resonate with audiences. If you're in the mood for a heartwarming and iconic love story that transcends societal expectations, "Pretty Woman" is a highly recommended choice. It's a delightful blend of romance, humor, and timeless style that has earned its place as a beloved classic in the romantic comedy genre.