Reviewed by Mustafa
"Transformers: Rise of the Beasts" offers a new take on the iconic franchise, with director Steven Caple Jr. bringing narrative focus and visual coherence to the series. The film surpasses Michael Bay's chaotic blockbusters, delivering enjoyable action sequences and nostalgia for long-time fans. What sets it apart is the unexpected care given to human characters, portrayed by Anthony Ramos and Dominique Fishback, who add depth to the film. Set in 1994, the movie blends elements of a prequel and reboot, featuring a diverse cast and exploring social issues. The voice cast, including Pete Davidson, Michelle Yeoh, Ron Perlman, and Peter Dinklage, shines, enhancing the overall experience; however, the film's climax, though visually impressive, lacks real stakes due to the predictable nature of the franchise. I personally believe this movie is probably one of the better Transformers movies in the franchise.