Reviewed by Mustafa
"Passages," directed by Ira Sachs, unfolds a turbulent love triangle set against the backdrop of contemporary Paris. The film follows the relationships between Tomas, his husband Martin, and Agathe, as Tomas, a tetchy auteur directing a period film, becomes intrigued by Agathe, leading to a passionate affair despite being married. Franz Rogowski's performance as Tomas is fascinating, portraying his manipulative nature with near-rodent-like qualities, while Ben Whishaw and Adèle Exarchopoulos skillfully portray Martin and Agathe, respectively, as individuals with their own strengths and vulnerabilities. "Passages" explores themes of fidelity, desire, and the consequences of selfish actions, suggesting that some may never learn from their mistakes. Overall, the film presents a compelling and emotionally charged narrative, earning a rating of 8 out of 10.