Reviewed by Rafael
"Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" is an animated action/adventure film that follows the journey of Miles Morales, a teenager from Brooklyn who becomes Spider-Man and crosses paths with other spider-people from alternate dimensions. Together, they must stop a threat that could destroy all realities.
The film features the voices of Shameik Moore as Miles Morales, Jake Johnson as Peter B. Parker, Hailee Steinfeld as Gwen Stacy, and Mahershala Ali as Aaron Davis. The actors were perfect for their roles, bringing depth and authenticity to their characters.
The characters in "Into the Spider-Verse" are well-developed, allowing viewers to connect with them on an emotional level. Each spider-person has their own unique backstory and personality, adding layers to the narrative.
The script for the movie was done amazingly with believable dialogue that captures each character's unique personality. I also liked how they implemented Miles’ thoughts into speech bubbles that would be in a comic book. The interactions between Miles and the other spider-people are dynamic and entertaining, contributing to the overall enjoyment of the film.
The story flows well with great pacing and a compelling plot that holds the viewers' attention. While there are multiple characters in the film, none of them overshadow Miles. They are all interconnected and contribute to the overarching theme of heroism and self-discovery. Even though there is a second movie, this ended as a standalone movie with no loose ends.
Overall, I highly recommend this to anyone who is interested in a fresh take on the Spider-Man character.