Reviewed by Rafael
"Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse" is an animated action/adventure film that continues the story of Miles Morales, who encounters new challenges as he navigates through multiple dimensions alongside other Spider-People. The plot explores themes of identity, friendship, and heroism, all set within the vibrant and visually stunning Spider-Verse.
The film features the voices of Shameik Moore as Miles Morales, who delivers a compelling performance, and additional cast members who contribute to the ensemble with skill and authenticity. Each actor is well-cast for their respective roles as they portray their characters brilliantly, making you relate and agree with all their choices.
The characters are well-developed, with each one having intricate backstories that make you connect with them on a personal level. From Miles Morales to the supporting cast, each character undergoes growth and transformation throughout the film, making them relatable and memorable.
The movie is well-scripted, with believable dialogue that captures the essence of each character's personality and motivations. The interactions between characters feel genuine and dynamic, adding depth to the storytelling. The absence of loose ends in the first movie made this sequel feel even more remarkable, as it expands upon the original plot, elevating the stakes and complexity of the story.
The story flows smoothly, with a cohesive plot and believable events driving the narrative forward. The pacing is well-executed, balancing action-packed sequences with moments of introspection and emotional resonance. In contrast to the first movie, "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse" introduces loose ends that pave the way for the upcoming film "Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse."
Overall, the sequel is a masterpiece, much like the first installment, and I highly recommend it, especially for those who have seen "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse."