Reviewed by Rafael
"Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham" is an action-adventure game set in the DC Comics universe, focusing on the iconic Caped Crusader and his allies as they venture into space to stop the villainous Brainiac from shrinking the Earth.
It's a singleplayer and multiplayer game. The graphics maintain the signature Lego charm, with colorful environments and character designs that capture the essence of the DC Comics world. The game lacks adjustable difficulty options but maintains a balanced level suitable for players of all ages. The main challenge lies in problem-solving throughout each level. You can save your game when exiting.
With a diverse range of levels and challenges, "Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham" offers a satisfying length of gameplay. The story cutscenes are entertaining as they propel the narrative forward, infused with the trademark Lego humor.
The game has a minimap that makes navigating through each planet a piece of cake. While some may like the open world exploration that’s like “Super Mario Galaxy,” I wasn’t a big fan of it and prefer the other Lego world designs. Overall the game is intuitive, and the controls are easy to master. Clear instructions guide players through various puzzles and combat scenarios.
Thanks to its entertaining storyline and replayable levels, "Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham" is likely to maintain a gamer's interest across multiple playthroughs. Overall, I recommend this game to players who love other Lego games and are interested in learning more about DC comics