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Happy Days

Happy Days

by Nancy Jo Cullen

As a pseudo orphan in the Peace
During the summer of love I saved
My brothers' lives that day at the frog pond
Calling, come back in or mom will kill you!

We had our idylls on the Beatton's banks
Which curves across the boreal forest
And muskeg and rises at Pink Mountain,
The so-called Serengeti of the north.

Before the overwhelming present came
The overwhelming past, the discipline,
The un-naming, the ancestral homeland,

The Alaska Highway where the buffalo roam,
Or so they say. Boreal diversity
Reduced and formed by fire, like all cool kids.

About this Poem

Learn more about Nancy Jo Cullen on her website and find more of her works in the KFPL collection.

About the Poetry Blackboard

The Poetry Blackboard showcases poems curated by Kingston's Poet Laureate and written by Kingston poets. There's a new poem every month, written by poets living and dead, historical and contemporary, published and unpublished, adults and children, giving full range to the cultural voice of Kingston. Started in 2015 by Helen Humphreys, the Poetry Blackboard has been continued since 2019 by Jason Heroux.

We wish to thank Helen Humphreys, Kingston's second Poet Laureate, for her generous support of emerging and established poets in Kingston through library programming and our Poetry Blackboard project. Throughout her four years as Poet Laureate, Helen curated a digital collection of poetry to showcase the talents of local creators of all ages, both historic and contemporary. Helen also offered several opportunities for emerging poets to develop their craft, offering group workshops and one-on-one mentorship. Her active engagement with the library and community has been greatly appreciated.

In 2019 we welcomed the incoming Poet Laureate, Jason Heroux, who continues to curate the Poetry Blackboard and to develop new community programming.

Previously Published Poems