Rise! Wake up to the yawn of the world outside, where the darkness bows to the morning. Hear the sparkling song of the birds and see the daffodils bend with the whisper of the awakening wind and their trumpets announce the bursting day. Feel the cool wash of an April morning and the warm virgin sunlight cupping the gentle curve of chap and cheek.
Listen! Joy begins as a seed in the blossoming of each new day. It unfolds with the day, exploding out from the centre like a universe. And if we are still, really still, we can hear its rare music — the miracle and magic of the day. It sings a song of the forest and the field and the lake. Can you hear the wind speak to the trees, the fox yelp to the grass, the children laugh to the sky? A chorus of rejoicing!
Sing! We can rejoice too, for we are alive to see the startling lawn of the world around us, and it becomes the landscape of our days and years. And we can sing, too, a psalm that has no language but joy!
About this Poem
Michael McCourt is a high school Music and English teacher here in Kingston. His writing has been published at Every Day Fiction, Green Ink Poetry and Paddler Press. You can find more of his writing at Confessions of a Part-Time Writer.
Joy Journals
Jason Heroux is interested in seeing what your "joy journal" looks like. What sort of images and moments and memories would be in there? Please send an example of a page from your joy journal to poetlaureate@cityofkingston.ca with the words "Joy Journal" in the subject line. It can be a poem, a list, a paragraph ... anything you like. A few submissions may be selected to appear as upcoming posts on the Poetry Blackboard.